LifeForce Everyday

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From now on, the lives are directly
on YouTube!

In order to facilitate access to the lives, they are now available on Youtube, and to see them in replay, we have created a dedicated playlist, click on the button below to access the playlist

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/30/20

  • Unload your negativities
  • Centering
  • Inner sound meditation
  • Ujai
  • Its internal narrative
  • Spinal tension measurement
  • Box breathing
  • Life is practiced
  • Connecting Breath
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/10/20

  • Centering and positioning
  • Relaxation meditation in 4 phases
  • Change your nervous system
  • Release pandiculation
  • Lifting spinal tensions in archetypal postures
  • Connecting Breath
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/30/20

  • Centering
  • Inverted Pendulum Meditation
  • Back release sitting tailor
  • Spinal tension measurement
  • Intermittent hypoxia
  • Connecting Breath
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/27/20

  • Centering
  • Inverted Pendulum Meditation
  • Back release sitting tailor
  • Spinal tension measurement
  • Intermittent hypoxia
  • Connecting Breath
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/24/20

  • Centering
  • Stability meditation
  • Back release
  • Eye tension measurement
  • Breathing
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/27/20

  • Centering
  • Inverted Pendulum Meditation
  • Back release sitting tailor
  • Spinal tension measurement
  • Intermittent hypoxia
  • Connecting Breath
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/24/20

  • Centering
  • Stability meditation
  • Back release
  • Eye tension measurement
  • Breathing
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/20/20

  • Centering
  • Breathing swing meditation
  • Inhale the presence, the present and exhale the past
  • Joint release
  • Haha Ging
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/13/20

  • Centering
  • Space/time meditation
  • Joint release
  • Respiratory work and unipodal balance / box breathing
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 09/09/20

  • Centering – Meditation
  • Articular release
  • Respiratory work and parasympathetic system
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/09/20

  • Centering and Ujayi
  • Sophro
  • Relieve back tension
  • Twists
  • Relaxing breaths and the parasympathetic system

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 02/09/20

  • Sophro centering
  • Relaxing movements on the ground
  • Gratitude
  • Square Breathing Protocol

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/30/20

  • How to release tension in the evening

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/23/20

  • Meditation and centering
  • Sofro
  • Work on the posterior chain
  • Cardiac coherence
  • Achetypal postures
  • Relaxation breathing 2/6
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/19/20

  • Meditation and centering
  • Harmonization of muscle chains
  • Articular release
  • Apnea and movements
  • Cardiac coherence
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/16/20

  • Smile meditation, centering
  • Release of tensions
  • Square breathing
  • Gratitude and breathing of connection

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/12/20

  • Centering and sofro
  • DO IN
  • Articual foot care
  • Fall and breathing
  • Anchoring and alignment
  • Breath of Connection
  • Topo physio: WATER and MINERALS

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/09/20

  • Centering and sofro
  • Remove joint blockages
  • Breathing
  • Archetypal postures and spinal movement
  • Gratitude and pride

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 07/29/20

  • The 5 pillars of health and vitality
  • Centering and nourishing your senses
  • Joint release and harmonize bodily tensions
  • The 3 principles of regenerating movement
  • Working on your balance (proprioception) with a stick
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 07/26/20

  • Centering
  • Meditations of the senses
  • Posterior chain and adductor stretching and apnea
  • Diaphragmatic breathing vs. vertical breathing
  • Undipodal balance, stabilizer and rattrap
  • Archetypal postures
  • Breath of connection

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/07/20

  • Nutrition for the 6 senses (yes six ;)) and practical
  • The 2nd dimension of dietetics: assimilation
  • Young and young intermittent

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 07/26/20

  • Centering and meditation
  • Listen to its sounds
  • Sigh and release pressure
  • Topo: Mindfulness
  • Flow typical postures and rolling on the ground
  • Inverted pendulum, catches and balances
  • Stabilization and rebalancing
  • Topo ventilation vs breathing
  • Procubitus breathing and apnea
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/28/20

  • Centering and meditation of the inner smile
  • Harmonization of the posterior contractile chain
  • Opening the pelvis and gentle twisting of the spine
  • Mobility and unlocking in the 3 planes of the body
  • Open and assertive posture
  • Integration

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/23/20

  • Meditation and centering of the respiratory pendulum
  • Listen to your breathing internally
  • Posterior harmonization
  • Collapse and restructure with breathing: self-massage
  • Topo meditation and equanimity
  • Cardiac Coherence
  • Pride

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/19/20

  • Topo melatonin
  • Meditation – Centering: body pain and tension
  • Brain and symbolism
  • Unify the suffering parts: recognize, what can I do for you…
  • Reptations
  • Posterior chain stretches
  • Psoas
  • Twist
  • Wim Hof ​​intro
  • Forgiveness

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/17/20

  • Centering and density meditation
  • Moving on the ground and levers
  • Move from hands and feet
  • Spine massage and mobilization
  • Erector exercises
  • Topo: coffee
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/14/20

  • Meditation and centering: Listening to your breathing and your pulse.
  • Between inhale and exhale
  • Pandiculation
  • Rear chain harmonization
  • Release shoulders and scapular girdles with PQ rollers
  • Head proprioception
  • Topo:game
  • Intentional breathing and gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/12/20

  • Cardiac coherence and abdominal breathing
  • DO IN
  • Ha ha gong
  • Contraction and analytical relaxation
  • Life is practiced
  • Discharge to Earth
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 06/07/20

  • Meditation and centering on our senses
  • Articual liberation in the 3 planes
  • Balance, owner and cerebellum work
  • Catch and jumps
  • Breathing to find your center and harmony under stress
  • Topo Theine Caffeine
  • Integration meditation

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/06/20

  • Centering and density meditation
  • Moving on the ground and levers
  • Move from hands and feet
  • Spine massage and mobilization
  • Erector exercises
  • Topo: coffee
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 03/06/20

  • Meditation and centering on our senses
  • Articual liberation in the 3 planes
  • Balance, owner and cerebellum work
  • Catch and jumps
  • Breathing to find your center and harmony under stress
  • Topo Theine Caffeine
  • Integration meditation

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/31/20

  • Centering and density meditation
  • Moving on the ground and levers
  • Move from hands and feet
  • Spine massage and mobilization
  • Erector exercises
  • Topo: coffee
  • Gratitude

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 03/06/20

  • Meditation and centering at the boundaries of the body
  • DO IN
  • Archetypal postures sequences
  • Balance and catch up
  • Apnea
  • intermittent hypoxia
  • Breathing Connections

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/31/20

  • Inner Smile Meditation
  • Harmonization of the posterior chain
  • Care of your spine
  • Inspi/Expi 2/6 and 6/2 and effects
  • Gratidity and kindness

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/29/20

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/27/2020

  • Meditation – centering – Scan of the senses
  • Joint releases in the 3 planes
  • Spine release
  • Intermittent hypoxia and grounding
  • Topo nutrition and cooking: digestive leukocytosis
  • Preserve the vitality of your food and strengthen your immunity 🌱
  • Centering – Gratitude – Metta

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/24/2020

  • Meditation – centering – connecting breaths
  • Articular release in all 3 planes
  • Stretching of the entire chain and posterior contractile field
  • Adductor bonuses
  • Topo living food
  • 3 V rules
  • 4 food groups: Biogenic, Bioactive, Biostatic and Biocides
  • Inner Smile Meditation

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/20/2020

  • 3 Stage Breathing Meditation
  • Breathing in prone position (flat stomach and shoulder blade)
  • Horizontal vs. vertical breathing
  • Erector exercises
  • Topo HORMESE and its 4 entrance doors
  • Cold shower challenge

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/17/2020

  • 3 Stage Breathing Meditation
  • DO IN
  • Stimulate your immunity with a Taoist Ha Ha Gong practice
  • Topo on IKIGAI and its REASON FOR BEING
  • Inner Smile Meditation

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/13/2020

  • Meditation and centering with the breathing pendulum
  • Joint release postures
  • Figure 8 movements of the coxofemoris
  • Somersaults and apnea
  • Indoor GPS and reason for being
  • Metta

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 08/05/2020

  • Oxygen Debt Meditation
  • Nasal breathing
  • Wake up your body with a towel
  • Free and strengthen your shoulder girdle
  • Buteyko breathing exercise
  • Gratitude – Metta

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/06/2020

  • Internal weather and body scanner
  • Awaken your body and spine on all 3 levels
  • Topo Young intermittent
  • What I need and nourishment differently

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 05/04/2020

  • What makes me happy?
  • Fall into life and to the ground without hurting yourself
  • Taoist practice to stimulate your immunity
  • How to bring out your values?

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 01/05/2020

  • Breathing, pendulum meditation
  • Feel its pulse
  • Fine motor skills work with socks
  • Back self-massage
  • Pump and squat in 1 min, management of tension and stress through breathing
  • Return to yourself
  • The 4 energetic positions of man
  • Volition and sending kindness

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/29/20

  • Become aware of your body
  • Internal self-image
  • Internal and external balance
  • Freeing your body with a stick
  • 3 thoughts: good/better/best
  • Emotional immune system
  • Negative thoughts

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/27/2020

  • Ventilation with pelvis tilt
  • Inner wave
  • Ballistic warm-up
  • The slipper exercise
  • Free your psoas
  • Qi Qong Tree Pose
  • Accept and let go of the idea that it should have been otherwise

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/24/20

  • Ground mobility
  • Strengthening through apnea
  • Sleep
  • Meditation

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/22/2020

  • Wave movements
  • Movement generated by hands and feet
  • Server exercise
  • Balance work
  • Sleep

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/20/20

  • Animal walks
  • Barefoot walking and benefits
  • Natural anti-inflammatories
  • Silence is a posture
  • Meditative walking

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/17/2020

  • Self-massage
  • DO IN
  • Harmonization of its posterior chain
  • ASSERTIVITY and management of toxicities
  • Free yourself from your usual tensions
  • Use of apnea

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/15/2020

  • Ujjayi breathing: benefits and practice of ocean breathing
  • Repetitions and awakening your deep muscles (core)
  • Suspend your spine
  • PEAR process at CAHS
  • Unload your negativities to the Earth

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/13/2020

  • Archetypal squat (find it)
  • Decompress your spine
  • How to have a bowel movement
  • Free your pelvis so that it circulates within you
  • Inhabit your body with presence

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/10/2020

  • Meditation
  • Body practice
  • The practice of the 5 Tibetans

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/08/2020

  • “DO IN” method
  • Free your spine
  • Apnea practice
  • Identify your stress alarm
  • Anchor Breathing in the Storm

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/06/2020

  • The 5 pillars of health and vitality
  • Give some air symbolically, connect differently
  • Joint release and harmonize bodily tensions
  • The 3 principles of regenerating movement
  • Work on your balance (proprioception)
  • The quality of our life depends on the quality of our questions
  • Changing Your Mindset: What is the Gift? the Afformations method

Everyday LifeForce | Live from 04/03/2020

  • Basics of Ujai breathing
  • Give some air symbolically, connect differently
  • Archetypal postures and harmonize bodily tensions
  • The 3 principles of regenerating movement
  • How to drink eat yourself (load your food)
  • Power of intention
  • Basis of mindfulness and presence
  • PEAR and RAIN processes to manage your toxic thoughts and emotions

LifeForce au quotidien | Live du 30/03/2020

  • Basis of abdominal and diaphragmatic breathing
  • Mindfulness
  • Gratitudes
  • Cardiac coherence
  • Physiology of stress

LifeForce au quotidien | Live du 01/04/2020

  • Basis of ground attunement
  • Give some air symbolically, connect differently
  • Joint release in 3 dimensions
  • Go to the ground
  • The 3 principles of regenerating movement
  • Basics of meditation and attention training
  • Jokang, Postures, Awarness, Equanimity

The meeting of the week

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