Find and preserve your sleep naturally

In our world of disconnection and constant demands, we suffer more and more from insomnia , chronic fatigue and burnout . I do not teach you anything..

But the foundation of life is Health and Vitality.

Without sleep, we lose our health and vitality , we just get tired or even sick. It is then much more complicated to access a peaceful and serene version of ourselves to benefit from other experiences that life can offer: parenthood, love life, social life, career, intellectual or emotional life, sports and hobbies, spiritual life...

What are the factors that create insomnia, chronic stress and burnout?

For 20 years, I followed and interacted with tens of thousands of patients.
I identified 5 factors:

Poor quality sleep

Bad Nutrition

Physical inactivity

Shallow breathing

The negative mindset

What if you changed that?

Blockage 1: your sleep is disturbed

“I have chronic insomnia, I don't know what to do anymore”
“My thoughts and problems go round and round and prevent me from falling asleep”
“I wake up very often at night, I sometimes even have cravings”

With the LifeForce method you will:

  • Find quality sleep to resynchronize your clock and have restorative and restful sleep
  • Learn breathing techniques to help you fall asleep
  • Establish a sleep routine that calms intrusive thoughts and gives you great serenity
  • Know which foods to avoid and which are good for restful sleep

Blockage 2: you suffer from chronic fatigue

“I have no more energy and I have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning”
“I no longer even have the energy to do sports or leisure activities, I am too tired”
“I have having trouble concentrating at work and making the right choices”

With the LifeForce method you will:

  • Become aware of sleep cycles to respect your body and wake up full of energy
  • Find a healthy and adapted diet to use your energy efficiently and get quality sleep
  • Free your body from all tensions, relax and gain energy, thanks to regenerating movements

Blockage 3: you lack energy and motivation

“When evening comes, I feel anxious and have difficulty going to bed” “
I wake up in a bad mood and it lasts all day”
“I have difficulty finding the motivation to get up”

With the LifeForce method you will:

  • Learn to sleep deeply to recharge your batteries and thus regain energy for your life and those you love
  • Cleanse yourself every day emotionally, energetically and physically.
  • Stock up on energy in the morning by practicing sungazing

Step-by-step support in implementing virtuous habits to improve your sleep and increase your energy level

Take care of each of the pillars
to get your sleep back






The LifeForce method

The LifeForce approach is transdisciplinary, meaning it synthesizes the best regeneration tools to allow you to restore great health and vitality .

You will discover the principles and essential tools of restful and regenerating sleep (because indeed it can be learned ), so that you integrate them into your daily life in a simple and natural way.

With the LifeForce method, you will learn to take care of each of the 5 fundamental pillars of your life. This will allow you to regain sleep and overall balance from the start of your day .

Pillar 1 – Rhythms of life

  • Master the two dimensions of sleep to fully recharge your batteries
  • Become aware of sleep cycles to regenerate your body
  • Understanding the role of melatonin in managing your circadian cycles
  • Avoiding the pitfalls of sleep disruptors
  • Establish an effective evening routine
  • Discover sungazing, a natural antidepressant, producer of vitamin D
  • Learn the art of napping that soothes your physiology, makes you more productive and attentive

Pillar 2 – Nutrition

  • Understanding the link between diet and sleep
  • Know the 4 phases of using your energy
  • Identify foods that disrupt your sleep
  • Know which food promotes the secretion of serotonin and melatonin
  • Know when to eat to get quality sleep

Pillar 3 – The Movement

  • Understanding the link between movement and quality sleep
  • Free your body from tension thanks to pandiculation
  • Discover joint release movements to fall asleep better and be relaxed as soon as you wake up

Pillar 4 – Breathing

  • Understanding the link between shallow breathing and poor quality sleep
  • Learn breathing techniques to prepare for falling asleep
  • Discover simple tips to use in case of sleep apnea and snoring

Pillar 5 – State of mind and mindfulness

  • Apply mindfulness to your life
  • Transform the quality of the questions you ask yourself to improve the quality of your sleep
  • Understanding meditation and learning to meditate easily every day
  • How to integrate the power of gratitude to be happier
  • Reconnect with your life dreams to improve the quality of your sleep

About David Tan

Osteopath, Physiotherapist and Life Coach

Over the last twenty years, in France and abroad, David has supported several thousand people experiencing chronic stress, insomnia and burn-out to regain optimal health and vitality . Employees undergoing retraining, business leaders, mothers, but also high-level athletes trust it to increase their performance and regain their full potential .

To develop his method of the five pillars of life , David Tan was inspired by his travels to more than 75 countries.
It has synthesized and made accessible to all the best discoveries of global health and well-being specialists based on neuroscience and integrative pedagogy (i.e. through bodily experience).
But it also relies on ancestral techniques : Taoist, Hindu or those discovered in particular among the centenarians of the famous blue zones, to offer us a summary in the form of a global and natural method, clearly explained: the Lifeforce method.

What you will find



for restful sleep and a better quality of life



theoretical and practical aspects of the LifeForce method to regain regenerative sleep



to accompany you step by step
and at your own pace

Access to the private LifeForce group

Join David, LifeForce Coaches, Ambassadors and other community members on the LifeForce Circle.
In this private Facebook group you will be able to share your successes, your difficulties, your progress and ask your questions

The community is caring and you will always find answers, comfort and the joy of sharing.

Finding and preserving your sleep

with the LifeForce method and the 5 pillars of life

Understanding the physiology and mechanisms of sleep🌑

Resynchronize your biological clock🌑

Evacuate body tension, anxieties and negative thoughts🌑

Sleep a deep and restful sleep🌑

Regain morning energy and a positive state of mind 🌑

Video training


They like LifeForce


Don't forget to go to bed at the first sign of sleep hehe! I am seriously learning with David following the acquisition of the pack and the book after having watched his videos for months already, read and reread, followed the live on FB for 2 weeks.
I appreciate what he does so much that I could only support these actions, because what he does is great! Well done and well done again to David and of course his team!

They trust us

Max Piccinini - MAX SUCCESS

Workshop of its flagship seminar LifeMax

“David is a true master in the art of Vitality and an excellent teacher. He is simply a good and rare being.”


Broadcast “An Essential Vitality”

“David is a talented man with a very rich message. It completely fits with the times and the expectations of more and more people eager to maintain “very” good overall health. »

Thierry Casasnovas - REGENERATES

LifeForce conference and workshops during the Rencontres De La Régénération

“ David has extensive experience in coaching, training, transmission, and supporting people in the areas of stress management and strengthening.”

Garrett McNamara


“The regeneration work I did with David was incredibly interesting, inspiring and even eye-opening. I am impressed by all the techniques and tools he taught me in just a few days”

David supports big wave surfers in the areas of stress management and mindfulness.

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