Our Reviews

What participants think of the courses

The opinions of our community members are valuable.
Whether after a LifeForce course or following video training, participants share their experiences.

Why do our interns give us a 5/5 rating?

10 000 +

People supported more since 2017.

40 000 +

Beautiful souls in our community on the YT, FB, Insta, Linkedin, NL networks…


This is the average rating that participants give us. Find more than 450 5-star testimonials on our Google and FB page.

1 + 10

Author of 1 book and 10 video training courses (+ 160 hours of content) to help you stress less and live more.

100 +

Courses and Workshops facilitated with groups of 15 to 450 people.


Trained LifeForce Level 1 Coaches/Facilitators

Coraline E.

Osteopath – 42 years old

“I was always on the verge of burnout […] now I no longer have to suffer”

I came to do David Tan's training on vitality because I was always on the verge of burnout. And what I came to look for are tools to recover this vitality, to know how to anchor myself, to stop suffering, to know how to refocus.

And I found all these tools there and it's great because now I don't have to suffer anymore. When I need it, I can go and get the necessary resources and I'm happy for that.

Thanks David

Dany C.

Caregiver – 25 years old

“I consider myself very fortunate to have discovered them at 25! »

I spent an extraordinary week this summer, during an internship led by David Tan and his great team. I found methods there that allowed me to gradually emerge from chronic exhaustion that I have been carrying around for quite some time. I learned principles there that will be useful to me throughout my life and I consider myself very fortunate to have discovered them at 25! In addition, the group of interns was very caring and the internship location was magnificent (old mill). The meals offered were organic, local and delicious. To everyone who wants to regenerate their health and vitality, and thus have a life full of meaning! I recommend !!

Delphine Croquelois

Psychologist and psychotherapist

Trainer in Nonviolent Communication

“A lot of room is given to putting the principles of life into practice and understanding them”

I really enjoyed this course where the variety of exercises allowed me to use different tools to regain more vitality on a daily basis. A large place is given to putting into practice the principles of life and understanding them, which leads me to be more conscious of certain life choices. Since then, I have put into practice a little every day what I experienced during this week and take the time to reconsider where my priorities are.
A big thank you to David and his team, the atmosphere was pleasant and warm during the internship and the links and support continue afterwards.
In summary, a beautiful human experience that I recommend to those who want to get back to the basics in their lives.

Marinette Briguet


“The 6-day course is an incredible experience to live, powerful and meaningful. I would have liked to stay there again! »

I am 55 years old and am a specialist teacher for children aged 4 to 6 years old. I discovered Lifeforce a few months ago through a friend. The 6-day course is an incredible experience to live, powerful and meaningful. I would have liked to stay there again! I had already received training in mindfulness meditation at school and wanted to go further in this practice. In addition, I felt the need to strengthen my immune system and take care of my mental and physical health. I was more than fed!
During the internship, I liked the intensity, the richness and the kindness. I would like to note the excellent quality of the teaching and all the speakers. I received a toolbox full of simple but not simplistic keys!

Simone Fitzé-Lutumba


“I loved EVERYTHING during the 6-day course”

I strongly advise you to take an interest in David Tan's seminars.
I am 46 years old, I am a nurse and work with adults with multiple disabilities. I aspire to be in touch with nature, respecting my rhythms of life, being kind and radiant. An acquaintance told me about LifeForce, it was the perfect timing (children in summer camps) and I wanted to take a course with my husband. I loved EVERYTHING during the 6-day course: the food, the keys to vitality, the exercises, the explanations, the caring encounters, the waterfall….
If you have the opportunity to take a week for yourself and to discover keys for your life, tools for everyday life, don't hesitate!

Johann Archambault

Consultant – Trainer – QHSE

“Already 2 courses of 6 days carried out with David […] each time I emerge as a better version of myself. »

“What it transmits is the greatest gift you can give yourself to fully enjoy all that life has to offer you in terms of experience. »

Already 2 6-day courses carried out with David and the Lifeforce team (in 2018 and 2019) and each time I emerge as a better version of myself.
David teaches us and above all makes us practice, experiment and integrate the nectar of what he has discovered in 20 years of travel and consultations around the world, regarding vitality and full health.
What it transmits is the greatest gift you can give yourself to fully benefit from all that life has to offer you in terms of experience.
Full of gratitude for you David 😊

Adrien Moisset

Training as a mountain guide

“LifeForce allows me to have much greater resilience, to listen more to my body, to learn to rest, to increase my physical performance”

I discovered David during the Regeneration meetings.
I am retraining to become a therapist guide in the Middle Mountains.
It was a click, 2 weeks later I found myself in Italy in the middle of the mountains, in a magical setting and place, for a 6-day course.

LifeForce is what I have always been looking for; a simple, effective method that is aimed at everyone, whatever our age, whether we are a father or mother, a 50-year-old triathlete, a 70-year-old retiree or over, or whether we are young, in the middle of a burnout -out, in depression, exhaustion or overtraining.

In short, wherever you are in your life, it helps restore balance, physically, emotionally and psychologically. I also learned methods that allow me to enter cold water, whatever its temperature; be able to welcome any event that “falls upon me”, manage my stress and emotions, with breathing exercises, as well as other techniques.

LifeForce allows me to have much greater resilience, to be more attentive to my body, to learn to rest, to increase my physical, sporting and mental performance, to change my Mindset (state of mind) in my daily life, which allows me to experience more joy every day.

I took a week to take care of myself, get to know myself, learn to know what I need where my limits are.
I really found my purpose, which gives meaning to my Life and values ​​to my actions.

This 6-day week with David taught me more, had more meaning for me than the last 10 years.
Humanly David, Marie-Camille, Axel were extremely kind to us.
There was great group cohesion, really united, which allowed us
to support and encourage each other when the need arose.
David is keen to share his method, he is accessible, human, he is passionate, exciting, this is felt in the quality of his Teaching, He lives in his guts what he transmits to us, he is inspired and inspiring.
Are we doing it again this winter under the snow?

Sylvie Bingelli

“This internship is one of the greatest gifts I have given myself and I sincerely invite you to do the same…”

“I spent 6 magnificent days, with each day, one more level in the depth and feeling of my body and my heart. »

I spent 6 magnificent days, with each day, one more level in the depth and feeling of my body and my heart.

David is a generous Being, who transmits with love, wisdom and passion all his knowledge, through a simple and powerful method.
It allows our Body and Spirit to live, feel and integrate the benefits of each of the teachings.
All in a magnificent setting, with a group of very beautiful people, led by the kindness of Marie-Camille and Axel.

Little by little and with joy, I am integrating these teachings into my daily life. It only takes a little time and it radically changes the dynamics of my day and my state of mind.

This internship is one of the greatest gifts I have given myself and I sincerely invite you to do the same... Give yourself this magnificent gift, your Life will be grateful to you.

Thank you David, thank you LifeForce for all your kindness!

With Love & Gratitude

Audrey Malpeli

Interior designer

“A bowl of serenity and vitality”

A bowl of serenity and vitality. A discovery of sensations, of oneself and others. In short, a unique experience that I recommend to everyone. Thanks to David and his team for this intense day of sharing!!

Laurence Alezard

“The incredible strength that emanated from the group allowed me to let go with complete serenity and confidence and to move forward on my path. »

Hello, I discovered LifeForce by chance on the internet a few days before my summer vacation. The presentation of the program for the regeneration of health and vitality immediately resonated with me what I was looking for at that time in my life.

I was able to take the course in August 2019 and it changed my life. I, who had been stuck for years with my emotions, was able to free myself thanks to the exercises/tools/advice throughout the week, gently and at my own pace.

David is an invested person who shares his knowledge, his experiences, his wisdom with a lot of kindness, attention and education.
I also met wonderful people with whom we got to know each other every day, to support each other, to progress, to exchange ideas, to help each other in the exercises, but not only that.
The incredible strength that emanated from the group allowed me to let go with complete serenity and confidence and to move forward on my path.

I don't forget Axel and Marie-Camille who accompanied us with a lot of attention, kindness and sharing.

Since this internship, I have reconnected with who I am and I now know where I am going. I practice waking up early, the 5 Tibetans, meditation every morning and many other outdoor exercises. I, who couldn't do without my breakfast (coffee, butter/jam toast), today I'm doing intermittent fasting.

I feel revived and the doors open to a life of full health and vitality.

I encourage you to take the plunge, you will not regret it… I love the word “Grandiose” which if you read it correctly is made up of 2 verbs: DARE to GROW!

This is what I did Dare to Grow and I can’t wait to continue the LifeForce adventure…

Delphine Jaeghers

“This weekend was a rebirth. I reconnected with life. »

I ended 2018 burned out. My journey of finding ways to learn how to manage my stress has begun. I also needed to learn how to deal with the toxic people around me. I researched and watched a lot of videos on YouTube. And one day I came across an interview with David TAN who explained his Lifeforce method, the 5 pillars of life. It spoke to me straight away. The courses offered met my expectations. Practice natural exercises to regulate stress and regenerate your body and mind.
A few weeks later I participated in a 2-day course. This weekend was a rebirth. I reconnected with life.
Continuing my journey this summer I participated in the 6-day course… Grandiose and powerful.
Thank you David, Marie Camille, Axel for your kindness and your passion for transmitting these keys which bring out the best in ourselves and which help us on a daily basis.
If I have any advice? Come live the Lifeforce experience!

Nadia Julliard

Social educator

“The teaching, the speakers, the group, the place, everything was magical! »

I am a Social Educator passionate about outdoor sports and meetings. I discovered David Tan during an interview with Pierre Dufraisse and met him at the Toumo yoga course (confrontation with the cold) with Maurice Daubard. I then felt his strength, his kindness and his need to contribute to the well-being of everyone.
When the 6-day course was announced, it took me 3 seconds to decide to participate. I liked the 5 pillars, the rich and well-structured program, the clear and in-depth explanations. In one week David and his team offer concrete and fun exercises, simple but not simplistic to acquire the effective keys to maintaining or regaining vitality in a natural way.
The teaching, the speakers, the group, the place, everything was magical!

Emmanuelle Rentz

“This internship took me well beyond my expectations. »

“I am so happy to have participated in this course, it is an immense gift that each of us can give ourselves”

I am currently 39 years old and on a professional break. Before this break I worked for 10 years as an events manager in a large chemical company.
During the Réencontres de la Régénérations in June 2019, I attended a talk by David Tan. I found his overall approach through the 5 pillars very relevant. Also during the Meetings, Marie-Camille, who is part of the organizing team, told me about David's 6-day course. I felt this information came at the right time for me and I signed up for the course.
This internship took me well beyond my expectations. David gave us with kindness and professionalism simple tools to integrate into our daily lives.
Fundamental practices that allow you to feel good in your head, good in your body, to regenerate and strengthen yourself.
It shows us that it is ultimately simple to feel in harmony with ourselves and others.
I am so happy to have participated in this course, it is an immense gift that each of us can give ourselves 🙂
Thank you to the group, Thank you to Marie-Camille and Axel for their precious presence and Thank you to David for re- learn to live in health, happiness and autonomy.

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