Discover the talents that make you successful!

Facilitator and catalyst for transformation, David is a Life Coach, Health Coach and Osteopath DO – Physiotherapist DE trained in Paris. He has passionately explored personal development and the art of healing for 25 years.

As a healthcare professional, he has treated and supported more than 40,000 patients of 80 different nationalities.

His passion for travel and his work has led him to discover more than 80 countries over the past 25 years. In his adventures and travels, he has always sought to experiment with the many natural methods, used by different cultures and traditions, to live in full Health, filled with Energy and Love for oneself and for others.

His own inner journey led him to explore in depth the body/mind relationship and assiduously practice meditation, mindfulness, numerous emotional and psycho-somatic therapies for more than 20 years. A seasoned facilitator of group dynamics and processes, an experienced “space holder”, he is multi-potential and speaks 4 languages. He is also an accomplished practitioner in various sporting practices, including a black belt in Karate, an instructor in Systema (Russian martial art), an instructor in Kitesurfing and a teacher in Yoga and Laughter Yoga.

His transdisciplinary approach has led him to develop and synthesize the best of this world's regeneration tools to regain full health and vitality and to be in love with oneself and one's environment.


Grow, take care and make every day better


Transformation catalyst

Multi potential






Extract nectar and principles

Transformation process facilitator

Waterman and Ocean Lover

Additional training in various modalities over the last 25 years:

Trauma Release Exercises, Somatic experiencing, Somatics

Biodecoding, Embodied Intimacy, Radical Honesty, Non Violent Communication

Stress Management, Fear Adrenalin Stress Training, Active Shooting, Fire walking, Tummo

Access Consciousness, Sylva Method, Psych K, Hypnosis, Avatar, Transurfing, Photo Reading

Shadow work facilitation, Heart IQ, Path of Love, Life Purpose, Soul’song, Ikigai, LifeBook

Shamanism, Federation of Shamanic Studies, International School of Temple Arts, Man Kind Project, Sacred Medicine Retreats, Temazcal

Reiki, Magnétisme, Thérapies Energétiques, Thérapies Manuelles, Médiumnité, Lucid Dreaming, Equi Coaching

Mindfulness Thich Nhat Hanh, Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana, Tantra, Breathwork, Apnea, Dry Fasting

MoveNat, Ido Portal Movement Culture, Fighting Monkey, Yoga, Animal Flow, Martial Arts, Contact Improvisation

Bushcraft, Permaculture…






The LifeForce Story

What gives meaning to my life and values ​​to my actions…

We believe that people are the catalysts for change within organizations, their families and the world.

My journey

Travel and meditation

Traveling solo around the world at age 24 for a year and a half was certainly a pivotal transformative experience.
Getting out of my comfort zone as a therapist in France, learning new values, opening up to others differently and adapting quickly to changing environments without necessarily having the necessary cultural background... All this gave me access to a new world .
By expanding my physical boundaries, I learned to know myself differently and better.

Meditation  : A natural search for spirituality appeared in my life and my true inner journey began when I encountered meditation. I had tried several types of meditation and mindfulness practice before encountering Vipassana meditation in India in 2006. This practice, and my first retreat in noble silence of ten days (which will be followed by ten others had and continue to have a great impact on my life).
Being alone with your breath and bodily sensations for ten days was probably, at the time, the most difficult and beautiful thing I had ever done. You face your truths, your wounds and learn to understand yourself a little more and in a different way.

Martial arts and fasting

Martial arts: Living our full potential and developing all our abilities as a Man has always resonated with me. My research, through the practices of natural movement and awareness, naturally led me to martial arts; first of all as a complementary means of understanding violence, both present in us and around us. I found exciting keys to better managing and dissipating anger, fear and toxic people in our environment. This led me to a daily practice of martial arts for almost 20 years. I progressed to black belt in Shotokan Karate, and trained as a Systema (Russian martial art) instructor.

Fasting: My first week-long fast, several years ago, was also a transformative event in my life. Feeling and experiencing this regenerative and restorative energy in my body was incredible and shattered many preconceived notions I had about nutrition and diet. I was still able, like my other “fasting comrades”, to do a twenty-kilometer hike in the mountains on the seventh day on an empty stomach! Experiencing this neuro-hormonal rest changed my paradigm... I continued my research to better understand the physiology behind fasting. This led me to study and practice Toumo or yoga and cold management. It symbolized my worst fear: the cold. This physical thermoregulation is little practiced in our Western societies based on comfort. I followed the teachings of Maurice Daubard and Wim Hof ​​(aka The Iceman) who brought astonishing discoveries on rejuvenation, regeneration and the benefits of cold on the immune system.

The LifeForce project

The birth of the project

After spending 20 years working as a healthcare professional and traveling around the world, David has had the chance to discover and explore many tools for optimizing his health and personal development. Overwhelmed by all these encounters and practices that literally shaped him, he wanted to share what he had had and still has: the privilege of living and learning.

All this naturally led him to create Life Force, where his professional experience, his personal and inner journey, his years of travel and research around the world and his life values ​​combine harmoniously.
Contributing to creating a better world through sharing these universal principles gives meaning to one's life and value to one's actions.

My wish for LifeForce

My intention for LifeForce is to continue to share in an accessible and simple way the fundamentals we need in life and to show everyone easy and practical tools to live a fulfilling life filled with Health, Vitality and Love.

The important thing for LifeForce is not that one person takes 100 steps, but that 100 people take the first step.

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