General Terms and Conditions

General conditions of use and sale
Information prior to ordering

By paying for the order, you express your prior agreement to the execution of the service immediately after the order and therefore before the end of the withdrawal period described below.
1. The service provider
Life Force – David Tan, with its registered office at 153 R/C Rua Doutor Joaquim Manso, 2765-535 Sao Pedro Do Estoril – Portugal, registered with Finanças under number 3433000243238

Register of legal entities: Commercial Court of Lisbon – Portugal


2. Languages ​​for concluding the contract
The contract is concluded in French.

3. Technical Steps
The different technical steps to follow the contract are as follows. The customer is invited to encode certain data concerning the services or digital elements that he wishes to order using a form available on the site.
The customer is invited to make payment according to the payment methods offered on the site.
A web page and/or an email informs the Customer that their order has been received.

4. Technical means to identify and correct errors made in data entry
A script makes it possible to identify and correct errors in email entry.

5. Archiving and accessibility of the contract
The contract once concluded is archived by the service provider. It is not accessible by the client.

6. Payment terms
Payments are made in euros (€) or US dollars (USD) via the Paypal website or the Stripe website. Price conversion tools are available on this site but for informational purposes only and do not engage the responsibility of Life Force.

When confirming the order, several payment methods can be offered:

Credit card: You indicate your Visa or Mastercard number, the control number, as well as the expiration date and the name of the holder. The debit is made when your order is shipped provided that you have received authorization to debit your account from the competent payment centers, otherwise your order cannot be taken into account. In certain cases, you will be asked for the Card-Reader (Webbanking security tool) provided by your bank, for even greater security.
Priority transfer or Internet transfer: With this payment method, you are automatically directed to your Webbanking or you make a transfer from a terminal, or from your bank

7. Terms of delivery of digital content and execution of the service
Once the order has been placed, a confirmation is sent by email to the customer. In this email you will find the file corresponding to a customer to directly consult the digital content. As for the service ordered, it will be immediately followed by the order so that the customer has given his prior agreement to the execution of the service before the end of the withdrawal period mentioned below.

8. Right of withdrawal
The customer has a period of fourteen days to withdraw from the contract and renounce their purchase, without having to give reasons for their decision (hereinafter the “Right of Withdrawal”). The withdrawal period expires after a period of fourteen days:

from the conclusion of the service contract.
When the customer exercises his right of withdrawal after having presented a request which aims to provide the service during the withdrawal period, he is required to pay reasonable costs to the company, namely an amount proportional to what has been provided until the moment he informed the company of the exercise of the right of withdrawal in relation to all the services provided for in the contract. The proportional amount to be paid by the customer to the company is calculated based on the total price agreed in the contract. If the total price is excessive, the appropriate amount is calculated based on the market value of what was supplied.

The customer does not have a right of withdrawal for digital purchases. This exception to the right of withdrawal is provided for by law for the supply of digital content not provided on a material medium, if the execution has already taken place with the prior agreement of the customer, who has also recognized his right of withdrawal . Thus, by checking the box “I have read and accept the general conditions of sale”, the Customer agrees to receive the digital content of the order and waives his right of withdrawal for downloading the digital content.

From the moment the customer has received the download or online conference links for the ordered files, the customer no longer has any possibility of canceling his order and the price of his purchase will be automatically debited.

The Customer informs the company before the expiration of the Withdrawal Period of his decision to withdraw from the contract. To do this, the Customer can either:

a) use the model withdrawal form here

b) make another statement, unambiguous, setting out its decision to withdraw from the contract.

The customer has exercised his right of withdrawal within the Withdrawal period if it concerns the communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiration of this period. The right of withdrawal is communicated by registered mail, either by email or, even, via the Site. In these last two cases, the company immediately communicates to the customer an acknowledgment of receipt of the withdrawal on a durable medium.

The burden of proof regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal in this article lies with the customer.

The company reimburses all payments received from the customer, including, where applicable, delivery costs, without undue delay and in any event within fourteen days following the day on which it is informed of the customer's decision to withdraw from the contract.

The company makes the reimbursement using the same means of payment as that used by the customer for the initial transaction, unless the customer expressly agrees to another means of payment and so that the reimbursement does not incur costs for the customer.

9. Legal guarantee of conformity for goods
All products and services offered through the site are comments made in good faith and as faithfully as possible. The customer will refer to the description and the technical sheet. The images presented on the site have no contractual value.

In the event that the product delivered does not correspond to the product ordered, the Customer has a period of 2 days from the day of receipt of the packages to submit their complaint to us. To be admissible, any complaint must be made by written request (either by post or by email).

In application of the legal guarantee of conformity, the customer undertakes to respect its contractual obligations and to respond to any possible lack of conformity upon delivery.

To comply with the contract, the products must:

match the description presented on the site when you order;
be suitable for the uses, have the usual products, products of the same type or any other special use sought by the customer;
present the usual quality and services of a product of the same type that any customer can reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the product and the characteristics on the site.
In the event that a lack of conformity is proven, the product will not be in conformity, at no cost to the customer.

Unless otherwise stated when ordering, if the problem is resolved, 2 days from the date of delivery, the customer has a period of 2 months from the day of discovery of the defect to implement the guarantee legal compliance. In this case, the customer has the right, initially, to demand repair of the good or its replacement, in both cases, free of charge, unless this is impossible or disproportionate. Secondly, the customer is entitled to an adequate reduction in the price or termination of the contract, if he is not entitled to repair or replacement of the goods. To be admissible, any complaint must be made by written request (either by post or by email).

Our guarantee limited to the customer's legal guarantee in the Civil Code and the guarantee for hidden defects. We are not responsible for indirect or special damage, of any kind or nature, that the Customer may have suffered. The warranty does not cover misuse of the product, normal wear and tear, repairs carried out by a third party or by the customer and lack of maintenance.

10. Duration of the contract

The service contract is concluded for a period of one month starting from the express prior agreement of the customer to the execution of the service before the end of the Withdrawal Period.

At the end of this period, the contract will be renewed for periods of equal duration unless the customer has notified the service provider of his desire not to renew it by email sent at least one week before the expiration of the period. in progress.

11. Features of digital content
Digital books are protected, with some exceptions, by a copy protection system known as “Technical Protection Measures” or “Digital Rights Management”. These books purchased and downloaded cannot be used in general, transferred to other devices, used for the first download, outside the limits of transfers authorized for the exercise of digital private copying. The customer undertakes to respect the rights of authors, performers and publishers of digital books and not to circumvent or infringe technical protection measures.

12. Interoperability of digital content
Access to digital books requires the use of the Internet, a digital device connected to the Internet (computer, smartphone, tablet, e-reader) and reading software, these devices and software must meet specific technical constraints, using the book in PDF and EPUB format and using appropriate reading software

13. Cancellation and postponement conditions
Any purchase of a Renaissance (2 days) or Ascension (6 days) course is final and non-refundable.
Any purchase of an internship corresponds to an event or activities which must be provided on a specific date or period. The right of withdrawal is therefore not applicable in accordance with article L221-28-12 of the Consumer Code relating to contracts concluded remotely concerning the provision of leisure activities, accommodation services, catering, which must be provided on a specific date or within a specific period.
If it is impossible for the organizer of the course to maintain the event, a postponement to another location and/or another date and/or a credit (valid for a different category of course, online training , or books) will be offered to you.
In the event of non-performance of its obligations following a fortuitous event or a case of force majeure or a government decision impacting the completion of the internship, LifeForce cannot be held responsible towards its clients.

14. Online settlement of consumer disputes
We inform you of the establishment of a European ODR platform which facilitates the settlement, through extrajudicial means, of online disputes between consumers and professionals. More information at .

15. Educational content of internships

If deemed necessary, the instructor may modify the content of the training courses according to the group dynamic or the level of the participants.

The purpose of this Life Force website, book, articles or tutorial videos is to provide general information and advice on managing stress and how to optimize one's potential for health and vitality through natural methods. .

According to article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights of November 4, 1950 and article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 2000: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom of opinion and the freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference from public authorities and regardless of frontiers…”

Consequently, the site, the book “manual on the regeneration of one's health and vitality”, the book (Re)Vivre published by Biovie, the articles, the newsletters, the tutorial videos, the Life Force's digital training courses, courses and conferences do not in any way replace medical advice or the advice of another healthcare professional. Only your doctor or medical specialist is authorized to make a medical diagnosis and plan the appropriate treatment you need.

Life Force and its legal representative, David Truong Tan, offer only general advice for healthy living, share his views and how to regenerate our body and mind for optimal health in a natural way. This approach aims to show readers how they can optimize their health potential through natural methods.

As part of this approach, Life Force and its legal representative David Truong Tan have focused on the selection of the best principles of lifestyle and nutrition recognized among the most effective to develop a synthesis (without however considering this synthesis complete and / exhaustive). Consequently, the use of the information provided is under the entire responsibility of the user as well as the use he may make of books, tutorial videos and other digital or face-to-face training materials.

And in any case, Life Force cannot be held responsible for such use, as well as for any inaccuracies or omissions that may exist on this site, book, articles or video tutorials. The advice on this site, book, article or tutorial videos aims to provide the best conditions for the emergence of an optimal state of health and vitality.

Legal Notice

Conditions of Use of the site

Access to and use of the information on this website implies full acceptance of the following terms and conditions

What terms do we use in these Terms of Use?

  • We use the term “User” to refer to users of our websites, online pages and services.
  • We use the terms “you”, “yours” and “yours” in reference to the User reading these Terms of Use.
  • We use the terms “David Truong Tan – Life Force”, Cat B-Rend. Empresarias e Profissionais with its registered office at 153 R/C Rua Doutor Joaquim Manso, 2765-535 Sao Pedro Do Estoril – Portugal, registered with Finanças under number 3433000243238

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website and its pages are protected by applicable copyright, trademark rights and/or other intellectual property rights. None of these rights can be transferred to the user of this website. You may use this website to benefit from the services offered for personal, non-commercial purposes.

No other use, such as for example and without limitation, modification, copying, reproduction, redistribution or circulation is permitted without our prior written consent. You should also read and follow the similar provisions relating to intellectual property rights of third party websites which you may access through this website.

Your comments on our website or via messages are welcome. We inform you that we do not carry out moderation a priori but can carry out moderation a posteriori. We reserve the right to delete elements published by the User, without the User being able to take action against us. In any event, you acknowledge that if you send us creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, inventions or other information (collectively, “the Information”), such Information becomes and will remain our property. Generally, any communication other than that relating to Personal Data which is processed as indicated in these Regulations relating to the protection of Privacy, which you post on the website or transmit to us via the internet is considered to be and will be treated as not -confidential. If particular web pages allow you to submit communications that will be treated by us as confidential, this fact will be clearly stated on those pages. Without prejudice to the foregoing, by submitting any information to us, you assign to us and we will become the exclusive owner of all rights existing for the present and the future in such Information of whatever nature and kind, universally and will have the right to use unlimited manner this Information for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or not, without compensation to the provider of the Information.

As a user of this website, you are responsible for your own communications and the consequences of their publication. Therefore, do not do any of the following: transmit copyrighted material to us unless you are the copyright owner or have received permission from the owner to post it; send material that reveals trade secrets, unless you are the owner or have permission from the owner; send material that infringes any intellectual property rights of third parties or any other rights relating to Privacy or publicity of third parties; send material that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to another user or any other person or entity; send sexually explicit images; send advertisements or business solicitations; send chain letters or pyramid schemes or annoy another person.

We have the rights to all images used on this website, except those for which we have been unable to trace the author. If you are the author of one of these images or know him, contact us.


You agree that your access to and use of this website and pages is at your own risk.

We use reasonable efforts to provide accurate information on this website and pages and may change and update it from time to time without notice. However, we and any other party mentioned on this site and on the pages assume no responsibility and provide no explicit or implicit guarantee regarding the absence of errors, viruses or defective operation of these websites and pages and/or on the correct, reasonable, up-to-date and complete nature of the content of this site and the pages and we explicitly reject any liability for any direct or indirect damage in the broadest sense, which would arise from or be linked to use of this website or its pages.

You may access third party websites through this website and pages. We bear no responsibility or guarantee whatsoever for the content of third party websites and pages and for the compliance of these sites and pages with applicable laws and third party rights and expressly disclaim any liability for any direct damage or indirect in the broadest sense, occurring or linked to the use of a third-party website and pages.

User Obligations

The user has the obligation, when using our services, to comply with the instructions, messages, rules, terms and conditions mentioned by us. Any instructions and notes (e.g. Frequently Asked Questions) formulated by us must be observed by the user in their updated, possibly amended version. If the user commits any violation of his obligations, we may take appropriate measures (e.g. issue a warning, block or delete the content, make the user's access inaccessible or warn).

The user is responsible without limitation for his personal conduct and his personal account, if applicable. This applies in particular in case of doubt about any published contribution or content used by the user (e.g. photos), the user is supposed to check beforehand that these do not violate statutory regulations or violate not public rules or third party rights (e.g. copyright, data protection law), anywhere in the world. We have no obligation to verify the correctness or legality of these contents and contributions.

By publishing content on our pages, the user definitively grants us all necessary rights without any territorial restrictions. Depending on the content, this may include our right to retain, adapt, modify the content and make it public. The user can only request the subsequent deletion of the content posted on our pages if there are important reasons to do so.

The user releases us and discharges us from any type of complaint that may be brought against us by third parties due to the violation of an obligation or a right committed by the user, unless the user is not responsible for this violation. Furthermore, the user guarantees us against claims brought against us. Reasonable defense costs must be reimbursed.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of this website or concerning the acceptance, interpretation or compliance with these Conditions of Use will be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the courts of Portugal which will apply Portuguese law.

Third Party References/Hyperlinks

This website may link you to other sites on the Internet. These sites may contain information or material that some people may find inappropriate or offensive. These other sites are not under the control of Life Force, and you acknowledge that Life Force is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, decency or any other aspect of the content of these sites. The inclusion of any such link does not imply endorsement of the other site by or any association with its operators.

Information you submit

You expressly agree to the terms of the Life Force Website Privacy Policy.

You hereby warrant that any information you submit to Life Force through this website is owned by you and that you have the necessary authority to submit such information. You hereby grant Life Force a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free license to display, modify, adapt, create derivative works of, and otherwise use any suggestions, ideas, and information you provide to Life Force.

You further agree that you shall not submit or transmit content through this Website or to Life Force that:

Is obscene, vulgar or pornographic;
Encourages the commission of a crime or violation of a law;
Violates any state or federal law in the United States or any other country or jurisdiction in which you reside;
Violates the intellectual rights of a third party;
Is otherwise offensive or inappropriate based on the type of content and information provided by Life Force and/or third parties on this website.
Life Force reserves the right to remove or delete any content or submission by you that violates these rules, or is inappropriate in Life Force's sole discretion, without liability or warning to you.

Life Force reserves the right to cooperate with law enforcement and court officials in the investigation or prosecution of any crime or trial. You agree to hold Life Force harmless from any consequences or actions of Life Force related to any such investigation or court order.

How to contact us ?

For further information or questions about our Legal Notices, please contact us at:
David Truong Tan – Life Force, Cat B-Rend. Empresarias e Profissionais with its registered office at 153 R/C Rua Doutor Joaquim Manso, 2765-535 Sao Pedro Do Estoril – Portugal, registered with Finanças under number 3433000243238

Register of legal entities: Lisbon Commercial Court.


David Truong Tan – Life Force, Cat B-Rend. Empresarias e Profissionais carries out its sales activity under the trade name and brands “Life Force and Life Force with you”.

Life Force


Online training


The team


General Terms and Conditions

Legal Notice

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Call us: +336 33 87 78 34

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