
transformative power


Strengthen your body, mind and immunity with breathing control.

The way we breathe influences every organ, every tissue and every cell in our body.

When done correctly , breathing can be used to positively impact our health , mental well-being and physical performance.

Unfortunately when breathing is performed incorrectly , when we do not know how to breathe correctly, it has the potential to have the opposite effect. We'll breathe as long as we're alive, so why not harness its power for good?

If you want to breathe well to live well today, then this program is for you.

❝ Living and aging in good health
is possible and can be learned!

And it starts with breathing! ❞

David is a Coach, founder of LifeForce, a DO osteopath and a DE physiotherapist trained in Paris. He has passionately explored personal development and the art of healing for over 25 years.

As a healthcare professional , he has treated and supported more than 40,000 patients of 80 different nationalities.

His passion for travel and his work has led him to discover more than 75 countries over the past 25 years. In his adventures and his travels, he has always sought to experiment with the many natural methods, used by different cultures and traditions, to live in full Health, filled with Energy and in Love for oneself and for others.

His own inner journey has led him to explore in depth the mind/body relationship and practice meditation, mindfulness and emotional therapies for over 20 years. An accomplished practitioner in various sporting practices, he is also a Yoga teacher, a Karate black belt, a Systema (Russian martial art) instructor and a Kitesurfing instructor.

His transdisciplinary approach has led him to develop and synthesize the best of the world's regeneration tools to regain health and vitality.

3 keys to transforming your life by learning to breathe again

KEY #1:
Breathing well increases our natural energy and immunity

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KEY No. 2:
Make our breathing an art to stress less and live better

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KEY #3:
Tame our body and mind with love and patience

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What you will learn


You have ALREADY adopted certain breathing habits and patterns .

For example, in moments of fear, pain, stress, sadness, or confusion, most people unconsciously hold their breath or hyperventilate.

Find out how:

  • Get out of anger , fear, sadness and frustration,
  • Digest better , sleep better, relieve headaches,
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increase your sporting performance , lose weight, energize yourself.

But also :

  • Evaluate and take stock of your breathing (where you start): frequency, rhythm, type, magnitude, location, awareness
  • Correcting your ventilation (respiratory mechanics): step by step
  • Learn to breathe well again (difference between pulmonary and cellular respiration)
  • Become aware of your breathing (mindfulness and presence)
  • The fundamentals of good physiological breathing
  • Why “pauses” and “gaps” in your breathing are so common (and why it is crucial to CHANGE this breathing behavior pattern if you want to progress in breath mastery.
  • The basics of respiratory therapy – helping you understand why it is so powerful and how you can best use these simple techniques throughout your day.
  • Using Breathing as a Healing Tool – The Incredible Reasons Why Breathing is So Important to Your Health and Well-Being

To calm the mind and connect to your innate intelligence and intuition

To regain control of your nervous system and strengthen your health and vitality

To move your breathing from “involuntary unconscious” to “voluntary conscious”

Who is this program particularly aimed at?

  • To people who are stressed , tired, depressed.
  • For those who want to lose weight, regain vitality , improve their concentration
  • For those who want to strengthen their immune system and be healthier.
  • Or to get out of all the difficult situations in life.
  • To access a higher level of consciousness through mastering your breathing

Change your breathing rate

to change your

emotional state

Your training program in detail

Module 1:
Why relearn to breathe

9 out of 10 adults have dysfunctional breathing due to bad habits (mouth breathing, micro apnea, paradoxical breathing, etc.). Discover all the benefits for investing your time and attention in order to control your breathing and breathe new life into your life!

Module 2:
The 4 Pillars

Discover the 4 fundamental pillars of the world of breathing (breathwork) which are the keys that regulate your physiological, chemical and psychological breathing. These keys will open your understanding of all the breathing techniques and pranayamas

Module 3:
Breath Awareness

Welcome to the first major aspect of “breathwork” (world of breathing). You will learn to know yourself much more subtly through the knowledge of “how you breathe”. Your breathing is directly linked to all your life circumstances! Learning to let the breath breathe within you, to be aware of it and to welcome it is transformative.

Module 4:
Physiology and Biomechanics

Discover the difference between ventilation (biomechanics) and respiration (cellular). How to avoid certain traps and unlock your body and the respiratory chain to free your breathing. You will understand in a simple but not simplistic way the importance of CO2.

Module 5:
The main principles

Discover the 17 key principles governing the world of breathing. With these keys you will understand precisely all the effects of existing breathing techniques and pranayamas. You will be able to create your own breathing techniques and exercises according to your needs.

Module 6:

Discover a life and survival breathing kit. These respiratory practices to know will allow you to manage pain, inflammation, fever, to concentrate, to manage your emotions (fear, anxiety, anger, sadness), to relieve stress, to sleep better, to increase your performance , strengthen your health and immunity, regulate your weight…

Module 7:
Conscious breathing

Welcome to the 2nd major aspect of “breathwork” (world of breathing). You will learn to take back the reins of your interiority if what you experience internally does not suit you. These reins are breathing. You will discover the principles behind the schools of hyperventilation and hypoventilation.

Module 8: Respiratory protocol

A routine and powerful exercises to accompany you every morning when you wake up, during your conscious breaks in your day and in the evening at home. You invest in yourself, with you and for you (200 conscious breaths out of your 25,000 breaths per day) for better health, better energy and to be more in Love.

Module 9: Respiratory Journey

A great guided breathing journey to do and repeat to help you release your tensions layer after layer, and to recharge your batteries deeply.

Pass it on

the breathing of

“ involuntary unconscious ”


“ voluntary conscious ”

will transform

all aspects​

of your life .

David accompanied and treated numerous patients in respiratory rehabilitation suffering from cardiopulmonary pathology at the start of his career . These patients in great pain allowed him very quickly to realize in his flesh the preciousness of our breathing.

Through tens of thousands of people treated and supported, David realized that 9 out of 10 people did not know how to breathe.

Since his childhood, David has been passionate about water sports such as surfing, snorkeling, martial arts and running. Breathing of course has a central place each time.

Over the years of experimentation and trial/error, he developed a very particular relationship with breathing, and learned the importance of breathing well. and control your breathing.

Breathing consciously means being in control of your emotions , no matter the circumstances

You breathe approximately 25,000 times a day , you can use just 0.8% of these breaths, that is, 200 breaths a day consciously, and transform your life. David realized that 9 out of 10 people didn't know how to breathe . But on the other hand, once breathing was mastered, each breath became an instrument of healing.

Are you able to invest 0.8% of your time per day in your personal growth and happiness?

No matter what you're going through,

if you live consciously with it,

It will calm down!

For what benefits?

To regain control of your nervous system

This is one of the most powerful biohacks.

To calm the mind

and connect to your innate intelligence and.

To honor the most important act of your life

The mind is like a horse of which you are the rider. Breathing is the reins.

For what benefits?

To regain control of your nervous system

This is one of the most powerful biohacks.

To calm the mind

and connect to your innate intelligence and.

To honor the most important act of your life

The mind is like a horse of which you are the rider.

Breathing is the reins.

What you will find


Coaching hours

to correct and optimize your breathing



with the right mix of simple and not simplistic theory and above all powerful respiratory practices



to accompany you on this journey towards you step by step and at your own pace

Access to the private LifeForce group

Join David, LifeForce Coaches, Ambassadors and other community members on the LifeForce Circle.
In this private Facebook group you can share your successes, your difficulties, your progress and ask your questions.

The community is caring and you will always find answers, comfort and the joy of sharing.

Breath is a force, a bridge, a tool. It connects us to each other, and to our own nature, our source.

Make your breathing an art!

Practice while being accompanied and guided.

Handle all the difficult situations in your life.

🚀 Discover new breathing practices to use concretely in your life , during difficult situations.

🚀 Take back control of your nervous system

🚀 Use breathing for better sleep, more energy, calm down.

🚀Control your breathing and make it your ally

🚀Become aware of your breathing and move to voluntary conscious breathing

Video training

Breathwork – The transformative power of breathing

459,00€ 259,00€

Here are 2 extracts from the 130 videos available in the training

They like LifeForce

Yoann Gueguen – Nurse

An incredible weekend with the right balance between practice and theory, the right balance between the use of the mind and the use of the body.

A joyful path of learning where you really feel yourself progressing, moving from lesser to greater perfection.

Nothing is imposed, everything is proposed. The exercises and concepts proposed are also so useful for improving your daily life both personally and in supporting other people for a health professional like me (Nurse and Hypnotherapist).

The tools and techniques are golden nuggets for sleep, sport, breathing, vitality, nutrition and relationships with others. Sprinkled with quotes and key phrases, each one as relevant as the next.

I express all my gratitude to David and his team for these transmissions of knowledge and experience, always with humility and respect in the broad sense of the term. In my opinion, values ​​that are inseparable from transmission and training.

Thanks again David and looking forward to our next reunion.

They trust us

Max Piccinini - MAX SUCCESS

Workshop of its flagship seminar LifeMax

“David is a true master in the art of Vitality and an excellent teacher. He is simply a good and rare being.”


Broadcast “An Essential Vitality”

“David is a talented man with a very rich message. It completely fits with the times and the expectations of more and more people eager to maintain “very” good overall health. »

Thierry Casasnovas - REGENERATES

LifeForce conference and workshops during the Rencontres De La Régénération

“ David has extensive experience in coaching, training, transmission, and supporting people in the areas of stress management and strengthening.”

Garrett McNamara


“The regeneration work I did with David was incredibly interesting, inspiring and even eye-opening. I am impressed by all the techniques and tools he taught me in just a few days”

David supports big wave surfers in the areas of stress management and mindfulness.

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