Learn to meditate

and Meditative Journeys

Do you know how to cleanse your mind of all these negativities?

Your mind is the filter through which you experience your life. If the filter is dirty, everything you experience will be tinged with dirt unfortunately!

Learn to meditate simply and effectively and create your own bubble of serenity and inner security to recharge your batteries every day regardless of external circumstances. It's very simple, not at all simplistic and it's based on ancestral principles.

By nature the ocean has waves your mind has thoughts. You can't ask the ocean to stop the waves and you can't ask the mind to stop the thoughts! Mediation is not about stopping the flow of thoughts but about welcoming each moment as a gift that we call the “present”.

Silence is a posture, there is no need to have silence around you to be silent within yourself.

The goal of meditation is not to achieve anything but to bring your mind back to the here and now.

Your mind is like a little wild monkey, restless and jumping from the past (and often its regrets) to the future (and often its anticipatory anxieties). He doesn't know how to stay calm in the present moment. Your mind, if it is not tamed with love and patience through meditation, will “walk around” like a puppet. Only by learning to tame it through the art of meditation will its power be at your service!

There is no where to go and nothing to do in original mediation, just to “leave yourself alone” and take a break from yourself, with yourself and for yourself!

To meditate is to accept what goes through us , by placing ourselves as a simple witness to our current state. We then neither seek to change nor judge anything we observe.

In meditation, we also do not seek to achieve a state or any goal. It is precisely this simple open presence that allows deep and lasting work, since it is a detachment from the ego: by not responding to its desires and injunctions, we learn to put it back in its rightful place. .

With the “Learn to meditate and Meditative Journeys” training you will obtain all the keys to:

Feel all the benefits of meditative practice

by mastering each point of sitting meditation

Understanding and assimilating the spirit of true meditation

to apply it to your daily life

Soothe your mind and strengthen your emotional immune system with meditative travel

Mistakes not to make

so as not to be afraid to get started. Understand the common mistakes made by beginner meditators or those who have taught themselves.

The essentials to start and strengthen your practice.

Get your practice off to a good start, such as the different postures to adopt, the appropriate environment, the duration of a session, the different stages of meditation, etc.

Benefits of the practice:

  • Develop your concentration
  • Improve your health and immunity
  • Improve your sleep
  • Improve your creativity
  • Develop your presence
  • Improve your libido
  • Regulate your weight
  • Relieve stress and better manage conflicts
  • Reconnect with your body
  • Get out of depression and addictions
  • Increase your emotional stability
  • Reduce your mental agitation
  • Increase your clarity of mind
  • Reduce your pain

You will master the practice and the spirit of meditation in just a few weeks and thanks to the daily practice of meditation you will quickly develop the ability to no longer react emotionally and gain self-control! You will be able to create a space-time between the event that happens to you and the usual reaction to propose an appropriate response this time!

Cleanse your mind by relieving stress:

How does meditation work?

En vous permettant d’accueillir pas à pas et progressivement les sensations corporelles ressenties (bodily felt senses) et les patterns respiratoires associés (façons de respirer liées à tous ces stress accumulés dans votre vie) pour vous libérer du stress accumulé toutes ces années.

By allowing you to welcome step by step and gradually the bodily sensations felt (bodily felt senses) and the associated respiratory patterns (ways of breathing linked to all these stresses accumulated in your life) to free yourself from the stress accumulated all these years.

You learn to feel and develop a centered emotional state to manifest the life you want!

In this training you will develop your skills

Focus and defocus your attention (inside/outside)

Your Equanimity and your full Consciousness which are the 2 wings of the meditator regardless of the tradition.

You will learn to get a taste for this transformative practice by learning exactly how to start and end your practice no matter how short it is, or how to meditate, how long to start and progress and all the basic principles for growing in this practice.

You will have solid foundations to progress with this tool which will follow you throughout your life and will be accessible at all times. You will know how to establish a virtuous routine every day and make these precious moments of reconnection with yourself sacred. Remember, human beings are creatures of habit! Establish good virtuous habits and you will positively transform your life.

By taking this time for yourself every day you learn to honor yourself and give yourself importance!

Invest in yourself and your ability to soothe yourself on demand is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself! Meditation forces us to look, to look within and no longer outside.
Self-knowledge, self-love begins there.

Your program:

38 learning videos

of which

15 meditative journeys

Module 1 Why meditate ?
Meditation produces beneficial effects at the psychological level. It acts positively on anxiety, stress and nervous tension.
Meditation has a positive influence on attention span, concentration and memory.
On a physical level, meditation improves hypertension, insomnia, sensitivity to pain and fatigue. It has beneficial effects on cardiovascular and muscular health

Module 2 – What is meditation
Your mind is like a little wild monkey that can't sit still.
With meditation you tame it with love and patience. He will then put his power at your service!
You just have to “leave off” and take a break from yourself and for yourself!
Meditating means accepting what is going through you, placing yourself as a simple witness to your current state.
You are neither trying to change nor judge anything.
Nor are you seeking to achieve any state or goal.
It is precisely this simple open presence that allows deep and lasting work, since it is a detachment from the ego: by not responding to its desires and injunctions, you learn to put it back in its rightful place. .

Module 3 – The 4 skills to develop

– Skill 1 – Become aware

– Skill 2 – Focus your attention

– Skill 3 – Body sensations

– Skills 4 & 5 – Mindfulness and equanimity

Module 4 – How to start meditation
Find a quiet place: meditate in a place with as little disturbance (sound, visual) as possible.
Set a meditation time.
Take a comfortable position. The idea is to have a straight spine.
Relax, you're almost there.
Breathing helps relax the muscles and opens the way to meditation. Let's go !

Module 5 – Intention and Visualization
Do not try to control your emotions, thoughts or anything else. Do not try to control your emotions, thoughts or anything else.
The goal is to relax and enjoy the present moment. It is completely normal that at first your thoughts “obstruct” your meditation.
What is important to keep in mind is that all this is neither a competition nor an exercise in thought control and especially not concentration!
Meditation allows you to reconnect your mind and body to the present moment and thus improve your perception of yourself, but also of your environment.

Module 6 – Meditation and Sleep
Observing your thoughts from a distance, while focusing your attention on your breath and your physical sensations, helps you find a state of calm and slip into sleep. Let yourself be guided !

Module 7 – Meditation and Nutrition
Your food is important.
How do you nourish your senses?
The images you see, what you hear and think, what you smell, touch and perceive.

Module 8 – Meditation and Movement
Movement is life.
Your movements and postures significantly affect how you interact with the world and how you feel in your body.

Module 9 – Meditation and Breathing
You breathe more than 20,000 times a day.
However, the majority of people do not breathe correctly!
Learn to use your breathing as a tool to release your stress, re-energize and relax.

Module 10 – Meditation and Mindset
You have more than 60,000 thoughts per day, 80% of which are negative thoughts!
The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself.
Having the ability to control your own attention and being aware of the present moment will enhance any experience you have.

Module 11 – Meditation and Purpose
If you don't know where you are going, you will drift your whole life.
All you have to do is decide where you want to go by clarifying your vision.
Fulfillment and self-realization occur when your life goals and projects, your values ​​and your actions are congruent.

Module 12 – Stress and Stress Management

Prolonged stress is also harmful to our mental health. It is therefore important to learn to master it.
David Tan gives you a set of exercises to keep it under control.
These exercises will help you to calm occasional episodes of stress, or to remedy a chronic stress problem.
Stress management allows you to control your emotions, but also stomach aches and headaches, which prevent you from concentrating and make you less efficient.

Module 13 – Meditation and Lifestyle

Meditation is not a short-term prescription!
It is a practice that continues day after day for the rest of your life.
David Tan explains how to make it your long-term ally.
Practice teaches you to recognize and respond constructively, rather than backing down or reacting impulsively.
The benefits of meditation can be applied wherever you are, to everything you do and who you communicate with.

Module 14 – My experience

Meditation transformed David's life.
He has experimented with several methods and tools to calm down (zazen, vipassana, retreats, etc.).

He shares with you this great journey to the heart of himself and helps you also experience the benefits minute by minute.

A true “shower of the spirit!” »

Module 15 – How to meditate outside

It’s important to start at home.
But you will gradually bring this meditative attitude outside:
– go to work with a meditative walk
– eat your meals consciously
– carry out your activities as a true meditator.
You will sharpen your sensory acuity and the bodily symphony that arises. orchestra.

Module 16 – Exercises to develop

– Exercise 1 – Internal and external focus
– Exercise 2 – Focal and peripheral vision
– Breathing and apnea exercises

Module 17 – Les voyages méditatifs et sonores accompagnés de musique et fréquence sacrées !

This unique program offers you the opportunity to experience listening to healing frequencies to accompany your meditative journeys.

Between guided relaxation and sound experience, meditative journeys leave room for your imagination to repair yourself, soothe you and develop your new qualities of being in the world

About David Tan

David is a Coach, founder of LifeForce, a DO osteopath and a DE physiotherapist trained in Paris. He has passionately explored personal development and the art of healing for over 25 years. As a healthcare professional , he has treated and supported more than 40,000 patients of 80 different nationalities.
His passion for travel and his work has led him to discover more than 75 countries over the past 25 years. In his adventures and his travels, he has always sought to experiment with the many natural methods, used by different cultures and traditions, to live in full Health, filled with Energy and in Love for oneself and for others.
His own inner journey has led him to explore in depth the mind/body relationship and practice meditation, mindfulness and emotional therapies for over 20 years. An accomplished practitioner in various sporting practices, he is also a Yoga teacher, a Karate black belt, a Systema (Russian martial art) instructor
His transdisciplinary approach has led him to develop and synthesize the best of the world's regeneration tools to regain health and vitality.

“Meditation has been an integral part of my life for 16 years. Through internships, retreats and even training, I have deepened my practice, including 12 10-day Vipassana meditation retreats. 10 days of noble silence with a program of 12 hours per day of sitting meditation.

My first retreat in India 16 years ago was probably the most beautiful and also the hardest thing I have done in my entire life. This allowed me to considerably change my way of being in the world. The color of my life has completely evolved since then. Not everyone will necessarily invest 10 days in a row of their time to learn to meditate, that's why I created this training, to share with you the basics of this ancestral tool to increase the healing power of travel. meditative and sonorous!

I want to make this practice accessible to everyone by sharing my experience, my advice and tips so that everyone can experience a more harmonious and joyful life.”

What you will find



for a better quality of life and self-awareness



theoretical and practical to learn how to calm your mind and find inner peace



to support you and develop new resources within you

Access to the private LifeForce group

Join David, LifeForce Coaches, Ambassadors and other community members on the LifeForce Circle.
In this private Facebook group you can share your successes, your difficulties, your progress and ask your questions.

The community is caring and you will always find answers, comfort and the joy of sharing.

15 powerful meditative journeys to heal and strengthen aspects of your life.

Between guided relaxation and sound travel, meditative travel is an experience that leaves plenty of room for the imagination of the traveler who is lightly accompanied to repair, soothe and develop new qualities of being.

3 healing frequencies are used in these meditative journeys

417Hz: Powerful healing frequency that eliminates negativity, emotional blockages. This Solfeggio frequency is also known to heal and balance the sacral chakra.

432Hz: This is nature's sound balance point. 432 Hz vibrates on the principles of the PHI golden ratio and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness

528Hz: Frequency of Love and Miracles that opens the heart. It is part of a particular range (Solfeggio, sacred music theory). Frequency associated with the 3rd chakra, the fire element, and the color gold. Allows balance in the digestion of food, thoughts and emotions. Facilitates decision-making, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Meditation 1 : Unload this stress and ground yourself

Meditation 2 : Decision Making

Meditation 3 : Bath of youth

Meditation 4 : Sleep

Meditation 5 : At the heart of relaxation

Meditation 6 : At the heart of relief

Meditation 7 : Relieve inflammation

Meditation 8 : At the heart of self-confidence

Meditation 9 : Towards more self-esteem

Mediation 10 : At the heart of your values

Meditation 11 : At the heart of your creativity

Meditation 12 : Peace

Meditation 13 : Forgiveness

Meditation 14 : Cutting toxic ties

Meditation 15 : Making Decisions

A program 100% made for you

➢ You want to acquire powerful techniques and a natural, simple and economical method to refocus and act beneficially on your overall health.

➢ You want to feel the benefits immediately and prolong them lastingly.

➢ You want to be independent on a daily basis while doing your activities.

➢ You want to be more and better present in your activities, with your loved ones and in everything you do.

➢ You are aware that you can take care of your stiffness, tension, digestive problems or insomnia yourself .

With this program, prepare to change your way of being in the world

Meditation video training:learn to meditate and meditative journeys

359,00€ 199,00€

They like LifeForce

Yoann Gueguen

Male nurse

An incredible weekend with the right balance between practice and theory, the right balance between the use of the mind and the use of the body.

A joyful path of learning where you really feel yourself progressing, moving from lesser to greater perfection.

Nothing is imposed, everything is proposed. The exercises and concepts proposed are also so useful for improving your daily life both personally and in supporting other people for a health professional like me (Nurse and Hypnotherapist).

The tools and techniques are golden nuggets for sleep, sport, breathing, vitality, nutrition and relationships with others. Sprinkled with quotes and key phrases, each one as relevant as the next.
I express all my gratitude to David and his team for these transmissions of knowledge and experience, always with humility and respect in the broad sense of the term. In my opinion, values ​​that are inseparable from transmission and training.

Thanks again David and looking forward to our next reunion.

They trust us

Max Piccinini - MAX SUCCESS

Workshop of its flagship seminar LifeMax

“David is a true master in the art of Vitality and an excellent teacher. He is simply a good and rare being.”


Broadcast “An Essential Vitality”

“David is a talented man with a very rich message. It completely fits with the times and the expectations of more and more people eager to maintain “very” good overall health. »

Thierry Casasnovas - REGENERATES

LifeForce conference and workshops during the Rencontres De La Régénération

“ David has extensive experience in coaching, training, transmission, and supporting people in the areas of stress management and strengthening.”

Garrett McNamara


“The regeneration work I did with David was incredibly interesting, inspiring and even eye-opening. I am impressed by all the techniques and tools he taught me in just a few days”

David supports big wave surfers in the areas of stress management and mindfulness.

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